Active Studies
Palliative Care for Persons with Late-stage Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias and their Caregivers: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Principal Investigator(s)
Laura Hanson, MD, MPH
Chrissy Kistler, MD, MASc, Mark Toles, PhD, RN Site-PIs: Christine Ritchie, MD, MSPH, Hillary Lum, MD, PhD and Greg Sachs, MD
Study Coordinators
Maimouna Sy, Sahana Giridharan, Heily Chavez
Funding Source
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Study Site(s)
Massachusetts General Hospital, University of Colorado, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Emory University
This is a multi-site randomized clinical trial of the ADRD Palliative Care (ADRD-PC) program for persons with late-stage Alzheimer's and related dementias (ADRD) and their family caregivers, triggered during hospitalization. Investigators aim to learn if this program of dementia-specific palliative care, standardized caregiver education, and transitional care is effective to reduce burdensome hospital transfers, improve symptom treatment and control, augment supportive services, and reduce nursing home transitions for patients, and to improve caregiver outcomes of communication, shared decision-making and distress.
Study Status
Actively recruiting